Welcome to the Dagenham Dock and Beam Park page/website.
Here you will find information about all the things going on in your neighbourhood- where money is being spent, what development and changes are being made, what events are taking place.
There are opportunities to have your say on what's taking place and what is planned- check out the 'tools' at the bottom of this page.
To get started, take a look at the map below- the green pins indicate where you can have your say.
If you don't see a topic that you're interested in, you can start one by using the 'neighbourhood conversation' tab.
Welcome to the Dagenham Dock and Beam Park page/website.
Here you will find information about all the things going on in your neighbourhood- where money is being spent, what development and changes are being made, what events are taking place.
There are opportunities to have your say on what's taking place and what is planned- check out the 'tools' at the bottom of this page.
To get started, take a look at the map below- the green pins indicate where you can have your say.
If you don't see a topic that you're interested in, you can start one by using the 'neighbourhood conversation' tab.
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Take a tour of how to use the Neighbourhood Pages
Watch this video to find out how to get the most from these Neighbourhood Pages