Barking Town

Welcome to the Barking Town neighbourhood page/website.

Here you will find information about all the things going on in your neighbourhood- where money is being spent, what development and changes are being made, what events are taking place.

There are opportunities to have your say on what's taking place and what is planned- check out the 'tools' at the bottom of this page.

To get started, take a look at the map below- the green pins indicate where you can have your say.

If you don't see a topic that you're interested in, you can start one by using the 'neighbourhood conversation' tab.

Welcome to the Barking Town neighbourhood page/website.

Here you will find information about all the things going on in your neighbourhood- where money is being spent, what development and changes are being made, what events are taking place.

There are opportunities to have your say on what's taking place and what is planned- check out the 'tools' at the bottom of this page.

To get started, take a look at the map below- the green pins indicate where you can have your say.

If you don't see a topic that you're interested in, you can start one by using the 'neighbourhood conversation' tab.

  • New Future for Roycraft House

    There's a new and exciting future ahead for Roycraft House.
    The former council offices will become a new hub with workspace for small businesses, creative space, a roof top garden and cafe and community space delivered by Make It London in consultation with local people.

    Find out more and get involved in the project page.

  • Phoenix Park Opens!

    More than 150 people helped to celebrate the opening of Phoenix Park in the Gascoigne neighbourhood of Barking on Saturday 31st July.

    The event featured a host of activities including table tennis, a children’s drawing competition and giant chess.

    Local councillors, both Deputy Leaders, Cllr Dominic Twomey, Cabinet Member for Finance, Performance and Core Services and Cabinet Member for Community Engagement, Cllr Saima Ashraf, took part in the celebration which brought together community organisations from around the area.

    Cllr Ashraf said: “It was such a great day and so good to see everyone having fun. The new Phoenix Park is fabulous but it’s no wonder because it’s been designed by the community, for the community and you can see they’ve put their heart and soul into it.”

    Local resident and Gascoigne Residents’ Forum member, Kenneth Soko, said: “Having lived on the Gascoigne Estate for over 10 years and now being a member of the residents forum, I am sure my fellow members would agree with me that it is an honour to have been part of the co-design of Phoenix Park. I am thankful for Be First for engaging the community. This park is truly the people’s park.”

    Sadia Ur-Rehman, Community Engagement Co-ordinator at Be First, said: “The amount of love and hard work put into making this park a great place has been breath-taking. Be First is proud to be a part of it but without the passion from local residents, the area would not have such a wonderful park.”

    The park, which was built by Wates Residential, was designed around four themes identified by local residents; exercise, play, growing and contemplation. These are brought together at the heart through a stage, which can be used for gatherings, events, communal dining, games and more.

    The park includes: a natural play area, a gym corner, a seating and stage area for a space to relax in, a garden area, a large feasting table and a growing plot. Access is via Abbey Road, Barking and the park is open 7am-9pm.

  • Makers Market

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Barking and Dagenham Council is calling those interested to step forward and secure a stall at the new Summer Barking Makers Market.

    The Council plans to expand the market into the Town Square area, providing the opportunity for local traders to make the most of Barking Town Centre, test the local market and promote their products.

    The expansion will welcome around 27 new market stall traders as part of a ‘Makers Market’, supported by the government's Reopening High Streets Safely Fund, on eight Tuesdays and Saturdays from Tuesday 22 June, subject to government COVID-19 guidance.

    To find out more, click here.

  • Noticeboard

    supporting image

    This is the community noticeboard for Barking, the Roding and More.

    Read about past events, and what's going on.

    Got something to add? Then let us know. Email

    You need to be signed in to add your comment.

Page last updated: 24 Mar 2024, 06:53 AM