Improving safety at Station Parade

Scene in front of Barking Station showing a sign encouraging people to wear face masks

In response to residents’ concerns about safety outside of Barking station, we’re proposing to restrict unauthorised traffic in Station Parade.

Our proposals will reduce traffic danger for the thousands of people who work, live or travel through Barking Station Parade and the surrounding area every day.

We are now consulting local people and plan to introduce these measures from January 2021 for an 18-month trial period. We will review how they work during this time and make improvements where possible. Towards the end of the trial, we will consult residents and station users again on whether to make them permanent. So, we'd like your views!

These measures are the first of a series of improvements to the area around the Station that the Council proposes to make

What are we proposing?

  • Only buses, taxis, cyclists and emergency service vehicles will be allowed to travel on Station Parade.
  • Our map shows the areas where general traffic will be restricted.
  • There will be no access to Vicarage Fields car park from Station Parade. Vehicles will instead need to access the car park from Cambridge Road.
  • All existing loading bays will remain, but delivery vehicles may have to approach from a different direction.
  • The Council will use Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras to check if a vehicle is exempt. If an unauthorised vehicle enters Station Parade, a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) will automatically be issued.

What do you think?

  • Take a look at our video or the map showing what we plan to do
  • And, if you've got any questions, write them here and we'll try to answer. You can also see questions that other people have asked answered here
  • We'd love to hear your ideas or comments - good or bad. You can write them here. And, you can also post pictures or vote for other people's ideas too.
  • If you have any comments about a specific location, add them to our map here.

If you want to pay, view or challenge a penalty charge notice

If you feel you have been wrongly given a penalty charge notice you can appeal. Details are available here. You can use to the same link to pay or see a PCN.

In response to residents’ concerns about safety outside of Barking station, we’re proposing to restrict unauthorised traffic in Station Parade.

Our proposals will reduce traffic danger for the thousands of people who work, live or travel through Barking Station Parade and the surrounding area every day.

We are now consulting local people and plan to introduce these measures from January 2021 for an 18-month trial period. We will review how they work during this time and make improvements where possible. Towards the end of the trial, we will consult residents and station users again on whether to make them permanent. So, we'd like your views!

These measures are the first of a series of improvements to the area around the Station that the Council proposes to make

What are we proposing?

  • Only buses, taxis, cyclists and emergency service vehicles will be allowed to travel on Station Parade.
  • Our map shows the areas where general traffic will be restricted.
  • There will be no access to Vicarage Fields car park from Station Parade. Vehicles will instead need to access the car park from Cambridge Road.
  • All existing loading bays will remain, but delivery vehicles may have to approach from a different direction.
  • The Council will use Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras to check if a vehicle is exempt. If an unauthorised vehicle enters Station Parade, a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) will automatically be issued.

What do you think?

  • Take a look at our video or the map showing what we plan to do
  • And, if you've got any questions, write them here and we'll try to answer. You can also see questions that other people have asked answered here
  • We'd love to hear your ideas or comments - good or bad. You can write them here. And, you can also post pictures or vote for other people's ideas too.
  • If you have any comments about a specific location, add them to our map here.

If you want to pay, view or challenge a penalty charge notice

If you feel you have been wrongly given a penalty charge notice you can appeal. Details are available here. You can use to the same link to pay or see a PCN.

Ask a question

If you have any questions, take a look at our commonly asked questions.  If you don't see the answer you need, please write your question below and we'll try to answer it as soon as we can.

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  • Please advise when was this restriction implemented? Being a common user of this route (to goto Asda) i didnt notice any new signs and only realised it when i received a PCN today. Additionally is there a way to find out how many other PCNs i will received given i have used this route between Feb and now frequently?

    AAC asked over 3 years ago

    The Station Parade Safety Scheme began on the 18 January 2021 with new signage was installed within the Station Parade area and surrounding roads to notify drivers that they are prohibited from travelling through this area. Penalty Charge Notices (PCN) are issued within 14 day of the contravention to the registered keeper of the vehicle, based on details obtained from the DVLA. If you would like to appeal a PCN, then please follow the link here.

  • How long will a PCN take to be issued? How is this sent to the right person?

    asked over 3 years ago

    Penalty Charge Notices are issued within 14 day of the contravention to the registered keeper of the vehicle, based on details obtained from the DVLA.

  • If I turn on to longbridge road at the roundabout but do a u turn to leave the road before station parade will I still get fined?

    Mvp asked over 3 years ago

    We would urge you strongly not to do this. Not only is it unsafe to manoeuvre in a busy area with buses turning in and out of the bus stop, but you will also be picked up on the enforcement camera at the roundabout and be issued with a Penalty Charge Notice.

  • I got a fine for driving on station parade to access oculas house to carry out a lighting protection test and didn't know about the driving restrictions. Can I contest the fine?

    aaron asked over 3 years ago

    The restrictions are clearly signposted, but you can find details about how to appeal here.

  • So how about people that have lived in the area for 20-30 years, and take this route constantly, how were they notified about this? If you take the same route you are bound to not look at signs etc, due to driving there for 20+ years. Residents of Barking and Dagenham council, are being fined hundreds of pounds for driving somewhere they’ve been driving for, for decades. How this helps anyone, I do not understand. There is a lack of notification for residents, and seems like a way for residents money to be taken from them, when times are already increasingly difficult for the residents.

    Ardita asked over 3 years ago

    The purpose of the restrictions is to improve road safety for the very high numbers of residents who walk to the station every day.  The way our roads are used changes over time and it is incumbent on drivers to pay attention to the signs at all times.  In this case these were installed well in advance of the introduction of the restrictions.  

  • Can we have another democratic vote with the people of barking more aware of the vote and and the proceedings this time rather than the council go ahead with things and not consult the local residents this seems more like a money grabbing scheme (similar to the LTNs) from people who have been driving and living in the area for 20 years +

    Ham asked over 3 years ago

    We consulted residents over a period of months about this scheme and we have always been clear that this is for a trial period.  We will consider whether local people want to continue with the restrictions towards the end of the trial period.  Please keep an eye on this website for further details.

  • Hello , why there is not enough effort put to aware people about it and the road is left same like before without any change except signs. If you want to reduce traffic reduce the road from 2 lane to 1 lane so people can see the difference before entering there .if you want to make the road traffic free in serious way not only just to make money from there. Thanks

    Tejinder asked over 3 years ago

    Thanks for your suggestion. We can confirm that we are looking at ways to reduce the width of the road and increase the width of the pavements. This will provide more room for pedestrians and, as you say, will help to alert drivers to the restrictions in place. 

  • I like to know how will the residents living in the Odean 22-30 Longbridge road will enter to the residents car park as I am one of them.

    Radouane Amroche asked over 3 years ago

    We have made a number of modifications to our scheme, that will benefit residents of the Odeon Apartments.

    In response to concerns raised, we have adjusted the enforcement camera to allow residents of the Odeon Apartments to access their car park directly from the A124 Longbridge Road roundabout.

    If you have been issued with a penalty charge notice (PCN) we would ask you to follow the appeals procedure with evidence that you live in the Odeon Apartments and our colleagues at the council will then rescind the PCN and refund you. Details of the appeal process are available here.

    We introduced these road safety measures for a trial period and said that we would adjust the scheme as necessary. We would like to thank those of you that contacted us on this matter.

  • Can I drive from Linton road via Cambridge road to Barking station?

    Charlie asked over 3 years ago

    You can drive towards the station along this route but you cannot travel along Station Parade beyond the point at which the restrictions apply. Please see our map for details.

  • I found out about this Station Parade restriction after receiving PCN however I have unfortunately crossed this multiple times as I was moving into Barking from another borough. I fully recognise this is my mistake. Is there any way for me to pay for the first ticket as the lesson learnt and please cancel the rest of them? The 2-week delay between the week I moved in and receiving the ticket resulted in me not being able to realise my mistakes sooner. I am very sorry about my driving and will make sure I never cross again. Multiple PCN for the same reason is really putting severe financial strains in the middle of a pandemic. I would really appreciate if you can help me. Thank you.

    Iamsorry asked over 3 years ago

    You can make an appeal if you feel you should not have to pay.  Details about how to do this are published here.

Page last updated: 09 Apr 2021, 09:56 AM