28th November: Men's Experience

The Respect Men’s Advice Line, which offers support to men experiencing domestic abuse, says that it received 13,812 calls and emails between April and July in lockdown. This represents a 60% increase on the same time the year before.

The Respect Men’s Advice Line has reported that the biggest increase in contact with abuse victims came through emails and the service saw the volume of emails increase by 96%. The callers to the advice line were talking about increases in violence, increases in psychological abuse and becoming homeless because of the domestic abuse and not having anywhere to go. Some reported sleeping in their cars overnight or sleeping in their friends’ or parents’ gardens in tents.

There are lots of strands of violence against women and girls such as domestic abuse, sexual violence, sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation, so called ‘honour’-based violence, forced marriage, and many more. The language is important as it recognises that women and girls are disproportionately impacted by violence and abuse on a global, national and regional scale.

However, men can (and do) experience some of these same crime types, such as domestic abuse, forced marriage and so called ‘honour’-based violence. Often men report barriers in seeking support, they might not feel that services are ‘for’ them or that they will be believed. The public perception of domestic abuse can leave many men feeling that they should be able to cope. It is not ok regardless of who it is happening to or by and there are services that can help.

Statistics suggest 1 in 6 men will experience domestic abuse at some point in their lives. Were you aware of this? Does it surprise you? Please add your views in the comment box below.

Support Links:

Respect Phoneline


Survivors UK

Domestic and Sexual Violence Services

Respect Male Victims Standard

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