Your Estate, Your Call 2022
Every year we spend around £600,000 to improve housing estates across the borough. Last year, we invited you to get involved in deciding how we spent a pot of £100,000 across the following housing estates:
Becontree Heath
Harts Lane
Parkside House and surrounding estate
We asked, you chose, we delivered
Results - Bright, Blue, Brand new Basketball court on Harts Lane Estate
Watch this space for more updates on improvements!
Thank you to everyone who submitted votes. We are extremely grateful for contributing your valuable time, your honest information, and your thoughtful suggestions. The results are now in and the most popular ideas you voted for are being implemented to improve your estate.
Click on the relevant estates to find out the results.
You submitted over 100 ideas for improvements which we reduced to a short-list for each estate.
You then voted for the top 2 improvements you'd like to see installed on your estate.
The funding could be used for one-off, physical changes to improve outdoor and communal areas, whether that’s enhancing what’s in place already or creating new facilities.
The funding could be used for:
Improvement works to communal areas and housing estate land, (for example cycle storage, bench seating, play equipment)
Improvements to existing facilities
New facilities with no/low on-going maintenance
Suggestions featured in the video
Other suggestions, which are within the budget available
The funding could not be used for:
Areas that clash with planned works in the next two years
Improved cleaning or gardening services
Revenue projects (such as ongoing activities and events)
Internal or external painting to communal areas
New CCTV systems
Repairs to individual properties or communal areas (you can report housing repairs here(External link))
Additional parking provision
Sign up for project updates - click the 'subscribe' button on the top right of this page.
Please note:
- The £100,000 funding available is part of the council’s housing land and estates maintenance budget, and therefore can only be spent on projects which are on council housing land.
- We cannot respond to any queries about individual properties or maintenance issues through this consultation. You can report those here(External link).
- Images are for illustration only. Actual products may vary.
- Projects are subject to site surveys and detailed design.
- The final decision rests with the council.