Warm Spaces Grant

Warm Spaces Grants

About the fund

The Cost-of-Living Crisis means that many people are looking for places and spaces in the borough that they can go to, to take refuge from the cold weather. Our Warm Spaces Grants are designed to help voluntary sector organisations, faith groups and charities with a building that can be used as a "Warm Space", to open up their doors to residents.

The funding can be used for anything related to operating the Warm Space, from capital costs for things like refreshments, equipment to make the space inviting, or decorating, to revenue costs such as subsidising heating bills or contributing towards volunteer expenses.

What we are looking for

Warm Spaces are designed to ensure that vulnerable people, or those struggling with heating costs during the coldest months, can find a space in the borough to stay warm. The council has designated many council buildings as “Warm Spaces” and libraries and community hubs are already set up and acting in this capacity, as are some faith and community sector organisations.

A Warm Space is any community or faith space where residents can go to keep warm during opening hours. You may provide access to books, activities, the internet or computers free of charge.

You may also want to provide a comfortable area, along with a volunteer host to welcome people, provide conversation and a hot drink/snack.

We are now particularly looking for spaces to fund within the red zone below, however we will accept applications from other areas.

How to apply for the fund

To submit an application please complete the following questions below or click here: oneboroughvoice.lbbd.gov.uk/warm-spaces-grant

If you have any questions before making an application, please email community@lbbd.gov.uk(External link)


  • The fund is now open until 6th March 2022

Who this is for:

The Warm Spaces Fund is available to community and voluntary organisations, not-for-profit companies, registered charities, constituted organisations, faith groups and social enterprises operating in Barking and Dagenham who have a space that they feel could operate as a “Warm Space” and is open to residents in the borough.

Your space needs to be accessible to all residents, at reasonable times and well maintained. Please consider if your space is suitable before putting in an application, if you have questions about the suitability of your space, please get in touch with us via community@lbbd.gov.uk(External link)

You cannot apply to the fund if you have already received funding from the Warm Spaces Grant in the last 12 months.

Size of grants available:

Up to £1,000 is available per organisation.

Eligibility Criteria
To apply you must have:

- A written governing document properly approved and accepted by the management committee/board of trustees.

- At least three unrelated people on the board of directors, or Trustees, or governing body, and the majority of members must be unpaid.

- A bank account that requires at least two people who are not related to each other to sign each cheque or withdrawal.

If you do not meet the eligibility criteria you have the option to partner with an organisation to umbrella under.

If you are an Umbrella Organisations

If you are an umbrella organisation that is supporting a smaller group, you will be able to apply twice in one round, one on behalf of the organisation and also for your own organisation. Please outline this clearly when making an application. Also, please note that any umbrella organisation will therefore take responsibility in reporting back and complying due diligence for the expenditure.

Warm Spaces Grants

About the fund

The Cost-of-Living Crisis means that many people are looking for places and spaces in the borough that they can go to, to take refuge from the cold weather. Our Warm Spaces Grants are designed to help voluntary sector organisations, faith groups and charities with a building that can be used as a "Warm Space", to open up their doors to residents.

The funding can be used for anything related to operating the Warm Space, from capital costs for things like refreshments, equipment to make the space inviting, or decorating, to revenue costs such as subsidising heating bills or contributing towards volunteer expenses.

What we are looking for

Warm Spaces are designed to ensure that vulnerable people, or those struggling with heating costs during the coldest months, can find a space in the borough to stay warm. The council has designated many council buildings as “Warm Spaces” and libraries and community hubs are already set up and acting in this capacity, as are some faith and community sector organisations.

A Warm Space is any community or faith space where residents can go to keep warm during opening hours. You may provide access to books, activities, the internet or computers free of charge.

You may also want to provide a comfortable area, along with a volunteer host to welcome people, provide conversation and a hot drink/snack.

We are now particularly looking for spaces to fund within the red zone below, however we will accept applications from other areas.

How to apply for the fund

To submit an application please complete the following questions below or click here: oneboroughvoice.lbbd.gov.uk/warm-spaces-grant

If you have any questions before making an application, please email community@lbbd.gov.uk(External link)


  • The fund is now open until 6th March 2022

Who this is for:

The Warm Spaces Fund is available to community and voluntary organisations, not-for-profit companies, registered charities, constituted organisations, faith groups and social enterprises operating in Barking and Dagenham who have a space that they feel could operate as a “Warm Space” and is open to residents in the borough.

Your space needs to be accessible to all residents, at reasonable times and well maintained. Please consider if your space is suitable before putting in an application, if you have questions about the suitability of your space, please get in touch with us via community@lbbd.gov.uk(External link)

You cannot apply to the fund if you have already received funding from the Warm Spaces Grant in the last 12 months.

Size of grants available:

Up to £1,000 is available per organisation.

Eligibility Criteria
To apply you must have:

- A written governing document properly approved and accepted by the management committee/board of trustees.

- At least three unrelated people on the board of directors, or Trustees, or governing body, and the majority of members must be unpaid.

- A bank account that requires at least two people who are not related to each other to sign each cheque or withdrawal.

If you do not meet the eligibility criteria you have the option to partner with an organisation to umbrella under.

If you are an Umbrella Organisations

If you are an umbrella organisation that is supporting a smaller group, you will be able to apply twice in one round, one on behalf of the organisation and also for your own organisation. Please outline this clearly when making an application. Also, please note that any umbrella organisation will therefore take responsibility in reporting back and complying due diligence for the expenditure.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
  • Thank you for running your warm space over the last few months, we know many residents have benefited from having these spaces available across the borough. Could you answer these few short questions, which will help us to learn from the programme and inform future decisions around where to allocate funding.

    Take Survey
Page last updated: 31 May 2023, 12:05 PM