New construction training centre opens

Residents of Barking and Dagenham interested in a career or work in the construction industry are now able to benefit from a new training centre right on their doorstep.

The Barking Riverside Innovation in Construction (BRIC) Training Centre will see the council working closely with Barking Riverside Limited and construction firms to help local people access training and career opportunities in construction and green skills.

The new centre will provide the borough with its first live construction training facility specifically aimed at residents and staff working with local contractors, to build their career in construction and the built environment industry.

Cllr Sade Bright, Cabinet Member for Employment, Skills and Aspiration said: “We are pleased to be opening this construction centre, which will not only benefit our residents wanting training, skills and employment opportunities, it will benefit the whole borough.

“Already the service has worked with over 450 school pupils since September last year and will continue to provide career guidance, curriculum support, site visits and other experts to ensure the borough produces a new generation of construction professionals.”

The council have committed £300,000 to the project through its Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), which uses a tax on new developments to raise money for improvements that benefit the local area.

Interested residents can find out more by email at: or telephone 020 8270 4722.

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