29 October 2021

Drop-in Consultations at Valence House

As part of the second phase of our consultation we’re organising a special Garden Reminiscing Session at Valence House Visitor Centre.

You’ll be able to look at archive material about the cottage and garden, see the early design ideas for the site, and have your say about what you think should happen at this new community garden.

Sign up is essential. We advise booking via Eventbrite(External link). We’ll be running two drop in slots:

  • Arrival at 2-3pm
  • Arrival at 3-4pm

If you don't want to register with Eventbrite, but would like to register your interest in this project, please email cam@companydrinks.info(External link)  

In the meantime, if you have a story about Stoneford Cottage, or if you’d like to take part in a particular aspect of the consultation, please email
Cam on cam@companydrinks.info(External link) and she’ll keep you posted.