What will be the parking arrangements be?

    A limited numbers of spaces within the car park at the rear of the hall will be used for staff parking and for deliveries, however there will not be parking available for users of the youth centre. There are design options for a garden in place of some parking to the rear of the site that provides secure outdoor space for young people.

    A transport consultant has been engaged to support the project and advise on the provision of parking and its design.

    Do you foresee any noise impact on immediate residents?

    The building is purpose built for community use and the update of the site into a youth hub is not expected to generate noise and disturbance. The site is detached and the hall for sporting activities is away from nearby residents. Hours of operation are during sociable hours.

    An acoustic consultant is supporting the design of the air source heat pump enclosure, so to ensure no undue noise impact arises from the sustainable technology

    What security measures will be in place for the building?

    The Council and architects are consulting the local crime prevention officer on the design of the scheme but it is anticipated that the building will have an intruder alarm, CCTV alongside with secure robust windows and doors etc., to prevent break in.

    Are there any plans for external lighting?

    The architects and design team are currently developing proposals for external lighting around the building.

    Will there be an increase in height to the building?

    You may have noticed that the plans displayed indicate some changes to the design of the existing roof, however no overall increase in building height is proposed.

    What will the operational hours be?

    4pm with latest sessions being up to 9pm i.e. building locked up by 9.30pm at the latest each night. May start earlier on weekends and may have some education activity during the week during school hours.