Equality and Diversity Community Fund - October 2021
Sorry! The applications window for the Equality & Diversity Community Fund has now closed. Thank you.
Each year we organise a range of events and projects to celebrate and promote equality and diversity within the borough.
Charities and community groups play an important role in delivering these events. One of the aims of the Borough Manifesto(External link) is greater community cohesion and ensuring that change in our community is resident led.
The Equality and Diversity Community Fund will allow local charities and community groups to take a greater role in delivering events related to the Barking and Dagenham Equality and Diversity Calendar,(External link) creating new and engaging projects that will benefit our residents. These projects should promote social inclusion, celebrate diversity, and support equality through providing opportunities for people with protected characteristics.
We are pleased to now open up applications again, inviting you to apply for funding to hold an event for any Equality, Diversity and Inclusion event, in particular for Christmas (December), LGBT+ History Month (February), Women's Empowerment Month (March).
Please complete the application form below. Alternatively, you can download the application form on the right, and email it to us at CE-Strategy@lbbd.gov.uk(External link).
Applications open on Friday 1st October 2021 and will close on Sunday 31st October 2021 (midnight).