Tell us what you think of our draft Planning Obligations

Consultation has concluded

Barking and Dagenham Council has ambitious plans for growth, including the creation of thousands of new homes and jobs.

To support this new development, the Council will require funding contributions from developers where developments need to be made acceptable in planning terms. This includes how the Council set out what developers need to provide or contribute such as new schools, health facilities, transport links, climate change actions or asking developers to fund and provide training for local people for new jobs across the borough.

We have prepared a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) setting out in more detail the kinds of contributions that will be sought. This document will provide guidance to developers and we will use it alongside our the new borough wide Local Plan to determine planning applications. It is vitally important for local residents and local businesses.

The following sets out what planning obligations are and then provides a brief insight into the areas covered in this draft Planning Obligations SPD. Please see the full SPD document for further details:

What are Planning Obligations?

Planning obligations enter the developer into a legal commitment to undertake specific works, provision of land/facilities, or providing a financial contribution towards the provision of a service or piece of infrastructure.

Section 106 planning obligations are used to address negative impacts of development and are designed to address additional burdens that new developments may place on local infrastructure. The agreement will vary depending on the nature of a development.

Affordable Housing

Residential schemes of ten units or over should deliver the Local Plan strategic target of 50% of units as on-site affordable housing.

Off-site provision will be accepted only in circumstances where it can be demonstrated that development viability cannot accommodate affordable housing on-site.

Financial contributions (as an alternative to the above) will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.

Air Quality - Contributions will be used towards monitoring of air quality and implementing the Air Quality Action Plan across the Borough. Payment will be required upon practical completion and contributions will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Carbon Offset - Off-site mitigation measures will be sought for all major residential and commercial developments that do not meet the on-site carbon reduction requirements.

Nature and Biodiversity - All major schemes of ten or more units and all commercial developments exceeding 1000m² of floorspace will be expected to demonstrate an equivalent contribution to 10% biodiversity net gain off site using the DEFRA metric, to be agreed with Officers.

Parks, open space and play space - Contributions will be sought towards the enhancement of the borough’s parks and green space, as well as the implementation of new green infrastructure.

Public Realm - Major schemes of between 10 and 149 units will be required to make a financial contribution of £250 per unit and schemes of 150 units or more will be required to make financial contributions of £500 per unit to a public realm fund to mitigate the impact of large-scale development.

Highways, sustainable transport and connectivity – The following types of mitigations will be sought through S106 agreements: travel plans, sustainable transport (e.g. car clubs, and parking controls.)

Social Infrastructure - S106 will be typically used where provision of on-site facilities forms part of a Local Plan site allocation. The SPD provides more specific information on requirements for community facilities, healthcare and education provision.

Employment, Skills and Supply Chain Development - Contributions to provide employment and training opportunities, both financial and/or non-financial, will be sought for all major residential and commercial developments.

Affordable Workspace - S106 will be used to secure the provision of affordable workspace at capped rental levels where it is provided.

We would like your views.
Please take a look at our draft plan and give us your comments and suggestions. The consultation ran for 6 weeks, commencing on Monday 26th September 2022 and concluding at 23:59 on Monday 7th November 2022. The consultation has now closed.

  • Read the draft plan, available in the Key Documents section and provide your comments in the feedback form below. You can also view the SEA screening on the Council's Supplementary Planning Document webpage.
  • Also, you may wish to post your ideas and suggestions and, if you see an idea that someone else has posted, that you like, you can vote for it!

You may also wish to view our Consultation Statement which sets out our next steps.

Barking and Dagenham Council has ambitious plans for growth, including the creation of thousands of new homes and jobs.

To support this new development, the Council will require funding contributions from developers where developments need to be made acceptable in planning terms. This includes how the Council set out what developers need to provide or contribute such as new schools, health facilities, transport links, climate change actions or asking developers to fund and provide training for local people for new jobs across the borough.

We have prepared a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) setting out in more detail the kinds of contributions that will be sought. This document will provide guidance to developers and we will use it alongside our the new borough wide Local Plan to determine planning applications. It is vitally important for local residents and local businesses.

The following sets out what planning obligations are and then provides a brief insight into the areas covered in this draft Planning Obligations SPD. Please see the full SPD document for further details:

What are Planning Obligations?

Planning obligations enter the developer into a legal commitment to undertake specific works, provision of land/facilities, or providing a financial contribution towards the provision of a service or piece of infrastructure.

Section 106 planning obligations are used to address negative impacts of development and are designed to address additional burdens that new developments may place on local infrastructure. The agreement will vary depending on the nature of a development.

Affordable Housing

Residential schemes of ten units or over should deliver the Local Plan strategic target of 50% of units as on-site affordable housing.

Off-site provision will be accepted only in circumstances where it can be demonstrated that development viability cannot accommodate affordable housing on-site.

Financial contributions (as an alternative to the above) will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.

Air Quality - Contributions will be used towards monitoring of air quality and implementing the Air Quality Action Plan across the Borough. Payment will be required upon practical completion and contributions will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Carbon Offset - Off-site mitigation measures will be sought for all major residential and commercial developments that do not meet the on-site carbon reduction requirements.

Nature and Biodiversity - All major schemes of ten or more units and all commercial developments exceeding 1000m² of floorspace will be expected to demonstrate an equivalent contribution to 10% biodiversity net gain off site using the DEFRA metric, to be agreed with Officers.

Parks, open space and play space - Contributions will be sought towards the enhancement of the borough’s parks and green space, as well as the implementation of new green infrastructure.

Public Realm - Major schemes of between 10 and 149 units will be required to make a financial contribution of £250 per unit and schemes of 150 units or more will be required to make financial contributions of £500 per unit to a public realm fund to mitigate the impact of large-scale development.

Highways, sustainable transport and connectivity – The following types of mitigations will be sought through S106 agreements: travel plans, sustainable transport (e.g. car clubs, and parking controls.)

Social Infrastructure - S106 will be typically used where provision of on-site facilities forms part of a Local Plan site allocation. The SPD provides more specific information on requirements for community facilities, healthcare and education provision.

Employment, Skills and Supply Chain Development - Contributions to provide employment and training opportunities, both financial and/or non-financial, will be sought for all major residential and commercial developments.

Affordable Workspace - S106 will be used to secure the provision of affordable workspace at capped rental levels where it is provided.

We would like your views.
Please take a look at our draft plan and give us your comments and suggestions. The consultation ran for 6 weeks, commencing on Monday 26th September 2022 and concluding at 23:59 on Monday 7th November 2022. The consultation has now closed.

  • Read the draft plan, available in the Key Documents section and provide your comments in the feedback form below. You can also view the SEA screening on the Council's Supplementary Planning Document webpage.
  • Also, you may wish to post your ideas and suggestions and, if you see an idea that someone else has posted, that you like, you can vote for it!

You may also wish to view our Consultation Statement which sets out our next steps.