You'll have a 'front row seat for film studio opportunities'

We recently revealed how the arrival of London’s biggest film studio to the borough will benefit you, your friends and family and businesses.

Careers events, industry focused workshops, apprenticeships, mentorship schemes, business support and professional development for teachers are just some of the things that will be available to residents.

Local businesses that can help the studios and visiting productions meet their skills and supply chain needs, will also be able to join a database of local providers.

The ideas are part of a new programme called Film Barking and Dagenham: Make It Here, which outlines four key areas that will provide pathways for residents to access education, employment and business opportunities linked to the studios and its visiting productions, as well as making sure the new venue provides a wider community resource that improves access to cultural activities in the borough.

When they open, The Wharf and Eastbrook film studios will provide many jobs and opportunities for local people, while injecting £35m per year to the local economy.

To find out more and to see which opportunities are available now and in the following weeks, visit the website.

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