What does the Council need from the community?

    Transport for London (TfL) has asked the council to consider a Boroughwide 20mph zone in Barking and Dagenham. Before any proposals are looked at we want to know whether the community would support a Boroughwide 20mph speed limit, and what roads or areas you feel are particularly in need of vehicle speed restrictions. 

    Proposals will only be developed with the support of the public, as we want them to fit the needs of those that use the roads regularly. 

    How would a Boroughwide 20mph speed limit be implemented?

    Currently there are no proposals, but should there be general support for a Boroughwide 20mph speed limit the council will look at potential options, including:  

    • 20mph zone entry signage and 20mph roundel road markings
    • Speed humps
    • Speed tables
    • Entry treatments
    • Raised crossings
    • Road narrowing

    Why is the Council looking at a boroughwide 20mph speed limit?

    As can be seen from the map, there are already significant sections of the Borough that have 20mph zones. These have been shown to have benefits in reducing the frequency and severity of injury accidents, mainly through reducing traffic speeds.  As such, there is value in having a Boroughwide 20mph speed limit.

    Transport for London has asked us to consider options for a Boroughwide 20mph zone to improve safety and help support London’s Vision Zero Strategy. 

    What happens if people don’t want a Boroughwide 20mph speed limit implemented?

    This engagement is to gauge the community’s thoughts on a Boroughwide 20mph zone. We want to ensure that any proposals taken forward are done so with the support of the people of Barking and Dagenham. If there is not general support at this time we will not put forward any proposals. 

    What effect will a Boroughwide 20mph speed limit have on local journey times?

    Journey times on roads in urban areas tend to be determined by junctions and signals, rather than the speed limit.

    In many cases lowering the speed limit to 20mph will have little or no impact on journey times. Where there is an impact, our analysis showed us that most journeys would only be around 1 minute longer, but this would make the roads safer for pedestrians and cyclists.

    Why can’t the Boroughwide 20mph speed limit be set up as timed limits during school hours only rather than a borough wide initiative?

    This won't encourage children to walk or cycle from home, as it would only protect children near the school, where they already have safety in numbers.

    80% of child casualties are on non-school trips. Introducing a 20mph default speed limit will make children safer from the moment they leave home - it is designed to make streets safer for everyone.

    Would reducing speeds to 20mph damage my car gear box?

    Modern cars can drive at 20mph without damaging the engine or components. 20mph limits have been used since the early 1990s and there have been no reported gearbox issues. Using too low a gear at any speed may increase wear on gearboxes.

    Using the right gear and driving at a consistent speed will help prolong engine and gearbox life.

    How do I respond to the consultation?

    Please complete the questionnaire hosted online or request and fill in a hard copy to provide your comments and ensure that they are received by the Council on or before midnight on 12 April 2023.

    If you have any questions regarding this scheme, please get in contact with us by email: Consultation@projectcentre.co.uk.