New playground for Eastbrookend Country Park

Exciting plans for a new children’s playground in Eastbrookend Country Park have been unveiled, promising fun and exercise for youngsters.

The new playground, which is being built next to the park’s Discovery Centre, will feature swings, slides, a climbing frame, balance beams and sensory play facilities to stimulate fine motor and language skills, offering adventurous play for children aged 2 to 12.

The design uses natural wood with teal and subtle green highlights, helping to create an attractive play area that complements the parks landscape.
Barking and Dagenham Council have committed £99,500 to the project through its Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy (SCIL), which uses a tax on new developments to raise money that is ring-fenced for improvements that benefit the local area.

Councillor Saima Ashraf, Deputy Leader of Barking and Dagenham Council and Cabinet Member for Community Leadership & Engagement, said: “Residents asked for a playground, so we are delighted to be able to deliver on their wish by providing this investment. This exciting new facility will provide a safe place where young people can have fun, get fit and enjoy the outdoors without compromising on the natural beauty of the area.

“Eastbrookend Country Park is the jewel in our crown when it comes to green spaces, and this playground adds to the already fantastic activities available there, which include fishing lakes, horse riding, guided walks, and nature trails.”

Playground supplier Kompan have produced a 3D image of how the new playground will look, with work on the park set to be completed in May this year.
Barking and Dagenham has a total of 28 parks and green spaces, which provides 463 hectares of publicly open land – more than three times the size of Hyde Park.

Six of the borough’s parks hold a Green Flag Award, which is the nationally recognised standard for excellent green spaces.

For more information on the borough’s country parks, visit

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