Activate Volunteering

Activate Volunteering Fund is a one-off grants pot that is being launched to stimulate new volunteering activities in the Borough.

We want to hear from any groups in the Borough who have an idea for a new volunteering activity, project or event, and need some funding to help make it happen sustainably.

This funding can be spent on equipment, training and anything else that enables an organization to run new activities that involve volunteers.

Grants are available for up to £700. This funding was made available due to funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund from the UK Government, supported by the Mayor of London.

Successful groups will be asked to work with LBBD to utilise the extensive pool of volunteers on the online Better Impact platform. They will also be encouraged to work with LBBD to create volunteering opportunities that LBBD staff may be able to support with, using their staff volunteering days.

Applications are now open!

To apply please complete this application form here by the Friday 5th April 2024


Applications will be judged on a simple criteria of:

  1. How effectively the activity will involve volunteers
  2. How volunteers for the activity will be recruited (the Better Impact Platform online platform and it’s extensive pool of volunteers will be available for successful groups)
  3. The level of support that will be offered to new volunteers by groups
  4. Future sustainability of the new volunteering activity (how will this funding be used to launch volunteering activities that can continue running in the future)
  5. Group’s ability to accurately report on the use of the funding in terms of the new activities run and the volunteers who are able to take part
  6. Need for the activity/project - The potential positive impact of the activity/project for the Borough


Successful groups will need to report on the below, as required by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund from UK Government, supported by the Mayor of London, who supplied this funding:

  • The number of volunteers who take part in the volunteering activity/project
  • The number of different volunteering roles involved in the volunteering activity/project
  • Equalities information, specifically: gender, age, ethnicity and disability of volunteers taking part in volunteering activity

Activate Volunteering Fund is a one-off grants pot that is being launched to stimulate new volunteering activities in the Borough.

We want to hear from any groups in the Borough who have an idea for a new volunteering activity, project or event, and need some funding to help make it happen sustainably.

This funding can be spent on equipment, training and anything else that enables an organization to run new activities that involve volunteers.

Grants are available for up to £700. This funding was made available due to funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund from the UK Government, supported by the Mayor of London.

Successful groups will be asked to work with LBBD to utilise the extensive pool of volunteers on the online Better Impact platform. They will also be encouraged to work with LBBD to create volunteering opportunities that LBBD staff may be able to support with, using their staff volunteering days.

Applications are now open!

To apply please complete this application form here by the Friday 5th April 2024


Applications will be judged on a simple criteria of:

  1. How effectively the activity will involve volunteers
  2. How volunteers for the activity will be recruited (the Better Impact Platform online platform and it’s extensive pool of volunteers will be available for successful groups)
  3. The level of support that will be offered to new volunteers by groups
  4. Future sustainability of the new volunteering activity (how will this funding be used to launch volunteering activities that can continue running in the future)
  5. Group’s ability to accurately report on the use of the funding in terms of the new activities run and the volunteers who are able to take part
  6. Need for the activity/project - The potential positive impact of the activity/project for the Borough


Successful groups will need to report on the below, as required by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund from UK Government, supported by the Mayor of London, who supplied this funding:

  • The number of volunteers who take part in the volunteering activity/project
  • The number of different volunteering roles involved in the volunteering activity/project
  • Equalities information, specifically: gender, age, ethnicity and disability of volunteers taking part in volunteering activity

Page last updated: 20 Jun 2024, 04:14 PM